
Three Spiritual Paths


“Your spiritual path isn’t always just something you find, you started it the moment you took your first breath, and ever since you’re been getting closer and closer to remembering who you truly are!”  — Martin R. Lemieux

(The following is from a guest writer)

The Paths Of Ascension

In the School of Life there are three main categories of spiritual paths of ascension going up from life on a planet such as Earth, and each individual one may have supplemental variations of the basic path. The experience of life will teach us the laws of the path we are working on, if we but take the time to listen to what life is trying to teach us. Few listen, and thus many repeat life situations over and over, again and again. The first time a lesson is presented it comes as easily as a gentle breeze. But if it is not heeded, succeeding presentations will be harder and harder until the being understands both the lesson and that Creation is the ultimate judge of right and wrong action. Creation’s momentums moving through eternity will go on, seemingly with or without us, as we choose. Although it is Creation’s intent that you learn life’s lessons, you may choose how long it takes and how strongly they must be presented in order to register. It is interesting how we fight life’s lessons, even though the life Creation is intent upon giving us is far more wonderful and marvelous than our wildest dreams.

The God Complex

God Complex

“When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.” — Lao Tzu

Why do we need heroes? Why do we need to worship? Why does it seem we always need to have someone to look up to? What is all that?

I think human beings are too easily brainwashed. We seem too insecure in ourselves and we look to others for validation and approval. That opens the door for others to take advantage of us. We seem to need a Daddy and a Mommy, and a God or Gods, to tell us what to do, and/or let us know we are okay, and/or just be someone we need to admire. Because they are greater than us, since we are so unworthy?

I feel we live in a world of many illusions. And this strong need for someone or something outside ourselves to ease our inside insecurities is one of the grandest illusions of all. We need to be free of hero worship, guru traps, and prophet perversions. They are pieces of this monumental illusion that leads us away from our own spiritual freedom.

Look around. It is everywhere. Our celebrity society, with its movie stars, sports stars, political stars, business stars, religious stars, media stars, stars everywhere in all forms. We promote them in all types of mediums, and joist them high on their pedestals. For they know better than us. And we know nothing. Right?


Creating Universes

Creating Universes

Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation.
— Noam Chomsky

Retro time, or a glimpse at some bad alliterating? Ah yes, this is an odd simple poem I wrote at the tender age of 15, which happens to be over 45 years ago. How time flies, and hopefully whatever you learn to create improves with time, age, and experience. Or maybe not …

Creating Universes

Whistle me a tune
very soon,
if you can.

Play me a song
so very long,
I’m such a fan.

Write me a poem
about all them,
not your clan.

Paint me a picture
of their nature,
not too tan.

Cut me a sculpture
without a rupture
they won’t ban.

Now look back at this universe,
neither crude nor perverse,
and with an arrogant nod,
proclaim yourself a God.

Ha, we all make mistakes and grow, right?


Elevator Love

Elevator Love“And when Love speaks, the voices of all the gods make heaven drowsy with its harmony.” — William Shakespeare

I recently drove to Texas from California, and a week later, back again. On my trip back I stopped for a few days at a place I consider ‘very special.’ It is a place especially built to enhance active meditative experience. This time around I did indeed experience something very special, something I can barely put into words here.

I have been to this place many times before over the past almost two decades, and I have had many different types of experiences. But nothing like I recently encountered, and in fact, am still trying to comprehend.

In a past blog entry I wrote about the different types of love, silver love being the loftiest. Well, one of the most compelling experiences I recently had relates to this subject. Yet how do we speak of love without getting a bit romantic, mushy, or starry-eyed about it? Well, not so fast. For the way I truly want to communicate this to you is more in a way of comprehension, not romanticism. Is that clear at all? So, let me attempt to clarify.

Every once in a while one of the things that happens to me in meditation, especially a deep one, is what comes to me are pieces of information that I am not readily able to comprehend. It’s like someone speaking to me in a foreign language backwards. But usually it comes to me like when you download an online zipped file to your computer. You first have to download it properly, then you have to unzip it, and then use the proper application so you can interpret it and get any use out of it. Well, sometimes it seems it happens about like that. Except …


Creation’s Elevator

“Who are you? … How have you joined creation?” – The Watcher Rock, ‘Dreams Awake’

The first time I truly experienced the elevator I had a little over ten years in. Meaning I had been meditating on the inner sound current that long. By this point I had had some pretty intriguing experiences, but nothing like ‘the elevator’. Now yes, I had been lucky enough to taste a bit of it. In meditation, when I finally got relaxed enough and out of the mind raps, I would feel like I was starting to go up in an elevator. And just as I would anticipate what was going to happen, the elevator would stop abruptly before it really got started, and there was no more going up. Basically because as I did the anticipation routine, that tension locked me up. So I did learn early on that tension was a buzz kill for meditation. Which was a bit of a catch-22. You needed to relax to get into meditation, but you needed to meditate to relax. It seemed there was a balance somewhere in there to find.

So, when that grand elevator day came, I wasn’t expecting it. Ha, see…no anticipation. It was one of those days that you could never forget. If I live to be a hundred and my great grandkids hop upon my knee, I would still be able to speak coherently about the first time I traveled up inside creation’s elevator. I have since had the experience numerous times, and even in more expansive, exciting ways. But you always remember the first time, so I was no longer a spiritual flyer virgin.
