Archive for September 2012

We The People ... I A Person

“If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” – James Madison

Yes, that time is once again upon us, when every four years we have to choose a President for the good old U S of A, from the leftovers the two major parties push upon us. Of course, usually that means choosing the least of two evils. And yes, politics is not usually what we go into here, so we won’t get too heavy into it, just explore it from a more philosophical point of view … and see if we can relate it to how that can affect our own spiritual potential.

Actually, I have many times enjoyed discussing the intellectual theories of government, but I absolutely hate politics. I know, they are difficult to separate from each other. Too bad. In college I started out as a government major, minoring in economics. I remember that one of my term papers was about trying to match up the best economic system with the best legal system. That was an intriguing exercise, and required a lot of research on my part. Of course, there was no Internet back in those dark ages, so hitting the library late at night for long hours was absolutely required. I learned a few things. Such as, oftentimes government was not the solution, but the problem. Disheartening. Not sure Madison knew what he was talking about in all his governmental theories, except maybe the part about men not being angels (other than I think they may have that potential). Because as much as the Founding Fathers preached about small government, it seemed maybe even they relied on it (bigger government) too much.
