Creating Universes

Creating Universes

Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation.
— Noam Chomsky

Retro time, or a glimpse at some bad alliterating? Ah yes, this is an odd simple poem I wrote at the tender age of 15, which happens to be over 45 years ago. How time flies, and hopefully whatever you learn to create improves with time, age, and experience. Or maybe not …

Creating Universes

Whistle me a tune
very soon,
if you can.

Play me a song
so very long,
I’m such a fan.

Write me a poem
about all them,
not your clan.

Paint me a picture
of their nature,
not too tan.

Cut me a sculpture
without a rupture
they won’t ban.

Now look back at this universe,
neither crude nor perverse,
and with an arrogant nod,
proclaim yourself a God.

Ha, we all make mistakes and grow, right?