Archive for November 2012

Between Lives

“I am certain that I have been here as I am now a thousand times before, and I hope to return a thousand times.”– Goethe

Even though I have remembered parts of several lives over the years through deep meditation, I had often wondered what exactly do we do between those lives?

Well, I did have the fortunate experience in meditation a few years back to ‘remember’ something I did between this life and my last, as in something I had actually done on the other side between two lifetimes. To set this up, I need to briefly explain that this was not a normal meditation, if there is such a thing. And that where I was meditating was a very special place. Meaning that there are some places where certain spiritual harmonic devices (or configurations) have been built to enhance ‘spiritual flying’. I cannot at this time speak of them freely, as you could probably say they are in research and development, and not really accessible by the general public. No, it’s not top secret or anything, just a precautionary step to make sure people don’t hurt themselves using them. (Note: However, if you are especially curious about this I can put you in contact with the person who knows all about this and let him decide.)
