
Double Edged Storytelling

“As above, so below” — Hermes Trismegistus

In an odd way, it does seem there is a certain type of balance in the universe. Yet as far explaining it … well, I will leave that up to others wiser than me to figure out. However, yes I do have some observations I would like to communicate here. Like most of us, I am and do many different things; as a spiritual being, a human being, a man, a husband, a father, etc. But in my professional life I am essentially a storyteller, more specifically a filmmaker (and of course a writer).  And that is where I am coming from in my observations today, here and now. I actually already started this conversation a few days ago on my other blog. For those of you who may want a little background on all this before you continue here, you should probably go there first – – because I don’t want to repeat myself here (so yes, it might be wise to go there first) …

From my point of view and after many years considering this, I feel the path of story is only the beginning point of a long spiritual journey for all of us, which encompasses many lifetimes of battle-tested physical existence. And yes, as that quote goes, I do think we are ‘spiritual beings having a physical experience’. So essentially, we are spiritual. And it seems, that having a physical life requires some type of physical timeline in which our life story plays out on. So, from the time we arrive as mere babes, we are trying to find our way on our life’s timeline. For we have things to do and places to go, in order that we learn the lessons we came here to learn. Over our time here our life plays out as its own unique story. Each of us unique in our being, unique in our timeline and unique in our story. So then, here you are now, beamed into the 21st century, inundated and saturated with story everywhere all around you; film, TV, radio, music, video games, internet, mobile, and who knows what next. How do you discover, or actually create, your own story in the midst of all this … intense clamoring distraction?
