spiritual growth

CA or TX?

“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.” — Jack Kerouc

I have traveled in most of the states in America. I have lived in seven states, but mostly in just two of them. Texas and California. I have gone to college in both states. I have been married in both states. And I have two sons. One born in Texas. The other in California. I have made a film in California, and have plans to make another in Texas.

I grew up physically in Texas, and spiritually in California. Yes, I began my spiritual search in Texas, and continued it in California. In those early years when living in Texas, I used to travel to Mt. Shasta in northern California every summer. Eventually I moved to California, but have moved back and forth between them a number of times. Ever the wanderer, I guess I am a traveler at heart. How difficult that has been on my family (all of them?) I can only imagine. It seems to be my nature. So, what does this have to do with anything?

Well, I feel I have a pretty decent grip on what it is like to be, experience, and live among both Texans and Californians. But over the years I have perceived a bit of competition among the two states and their people. I’m not sure it is a bad thing, but what is is the unhealthy stereotypes many in each state has about the other. Why do I even care? Well, at first I found it somewhat amusing, but lately it just seems like unhealthy perceptions. And plus, it feels like watching your parents fight. You can see and understand what each one is saying about the other, but neither of them is listening to what the other is saying. A big of self-righteous pride on both sides. And I think that is where some of this stems from.


Double Edged Storytelling

“As above, so below” — Hermes Trismegistus

In an odd way, it does seem there is a certain type of balance in the universe. Yet as far explaining it … well, I will leave that up to others wiser than me to figure out. However, yes I do have some observations I would like to communicate here. Like most of us, I am and do many different things; as a spiritual being, a human being, a man, a husband, a father, etc. But in my professional life I am essentially a storyteller, more specifically a filmmaker (and of course a writer).  And that is where I am coming from in my observations today, here and now. I actually already started this conversation a few days ago on my other blog. For those of you who may want a little background on all this before you continue here, you should probably go there first – http://dreamsawakemovie.com/2013/01/the-path-of-story-you/ – because I don’t want to repeat myself here (so yes, it might be wise to go there first) …

From my point of view and after many years considering this, I feel the path of story is only the beginning point of a long spiritual journey for all of us, which encompasses many lifetimes of battle-tested physical existence. And yes, as that quote goes, I do think we are ‘spiritual beings having a physical experience’. So essentially, we are spiritual. And it seems, that having a physical life requires some type of physical timeline in which our life story plays out on. So, from the time we arrive as mere babes, we are trying to find our way on our life’s timeline. For we have things to do and places to go, in order that we learn the lessons we came here to learn. Over our time here our life plays out as its own unique story. Each of us unique in our being, unique in our timeline and unique in our story. So then, here you are now, beamed into the 21st century, inundated and saturated with story everywhere all around you; film, TV, radio, music, video games, internet, mobile, and who knows what next. How do you discover, or actually create, your own story in the midst of all this … intense clamoring distraction?


Holiday Spirit(s?)

“A good conscience is a continual Christmas.” — Benjamin Franklin

Of course, it’s that time of year again, when holiday cheer springs forth in gushes between friends and family, and yes even strangers, whether real or contrived in its intent or execution. Many times this involves overindulgence in substances we may only normally use in moderation at other times of the year. I for one gave up on all that activity years ago. However, I certainly understand its use and purpose. So, is there a point here? I think so …

Mostly though, this is just an observation on my part. I have watched many people over time use, overindulge, and abuse all types of substances that are supposedly partaken of to either make them feel better, drown their sorrows, or enhance social currency. There is no judgment here, as in my early life I was known for abusing all types of substances, both legal and not. Luckily I found a better way ‘to feel better’ and ‘feel high’ or how about ‘on top of my life in a better way’  that I don’t need those types of crutches. Ah yes, maybe there is a bit of unintended judgment here?

Well no, not really, for I really think, feel, believe, that there is a better way to get ‘those things’ we are trying to get from those substances. Life messes with us, throws us around, and can beat us down. So I think we are continually reacting to that, and continually trying to get back “up.” Then naturally, we try to find the easiest available ‘things’ to get back up there. And guess what; caffeine, alcohol, drugs, etc. are right there for easy consumption. I get it, but … for me, if I can find the time I feel much better taking an alternative action. And believe me, it isn’t easy, but oh my is it so much better for me. Obviously, in the end it is the decision of each of us what we must do, day in and day out when we are faced with these situations. It can be so easy for the ‘fast food’ solution. But is it the best, or even really useful or wise?


Ninety Percent Solution

“RELAX! … RELAX … relax … squared.  What? … you may ask. The 90% solution. Say what …?” — Me

For you meditators out there (or for those whom aspire to) I’m doing something a little different today, and just write about some helpful meditation tidbits I’ve picked up along the way.

When I meditate I practice a specific set of techniques, usually in a fairly specific order (but not always). But I have learned, usually the hard way, that technique is only 10% of the solution.

The main thing that puts a dead stop to any progress in meditation usually is Tension, with a capital T. But isn’t that one of the main reasons we mediate? To relieve tension? And be able to relax? It is a bit of a catch-22. You meditate to relax, but you may be too tense to relax into meditation.

And then consider all the tensions in our modern world. We worry about all those little everyday things that are thrust upon us. Then we worry about what else could go wrong in our future. And then we worry about all the things that could go wrong with those close to us. And then we probably worry about some of the crazy things going on in the world that could affect … well, who knows? Maybe us, possibly others, but maybe not really. For our mind tends to find things to fret about, doesn’t it? Even when there really may not be that much to fret about.


We The People ... I A Person

“If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” – James Madison

Yes, that time is once again upon us, when every four years we have to choose a President for the good old U S of A, from the leftovers the two major parties push upon us. Of course, usually that means choosing the least of two evils. And yes, politics is not usually what we go into here, so we won’t get too heavy into it, just explore it from a more philosophical point of view … and see if we can relate it to how that can affect our own spiritual potential.

Actually, I have many times enjoyed discussing the intellectual theories of government, but I absolutely hate politics. I know, they are difficult to separate from each other. Too bad. In college I started out as a government major, minoring in economics. I remember that one of my term papers was about trying to match up the best economic system with the best legal system. That was an intriguing exercise, and required a lot of research on my part. Of course, there was no Internet back in those dark ages, so hitting the library late at night for long hours was absolutely required. I learned a few things. Such as, oftentimes government was not the solution, but the problem. Disheartening. Not sure Madison knew what he was talking about in all his governmental theories, except maybe the part about men not being angels (other than I think they may have that potential). Because as much as the Founding Fathers preached about small government, it seemed maybe even they relied on it (bigger government) too much.


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