silver love



Trekking, even at times floating, upstream along the banks of this vibrant stream,

I reflect upon how simply generous today has always been.

Up ahead this so vibrant stream fed from a simple, still, and silver pool,

and nourished in the far sky by the setting of a burning, white hot sun.

In the distance a waterfall gushed from behind a long, dark shadow,

and I wonder, yes oh wonder, what secrets it must hide today.

Yet I know in this pristine moment it’s time to align my lower self and my higher self,

and my heart, my mind, my spirit, my soul, my very being,

within the ears and eyes of a principle, singing consciousness of high creation.

For now tomorrow shall be even more wondrous inside this eternity’s dream.

And then a dragon stuck her head from behind that long, dark shadow,

and into the silver light before me, as I fearlessly faced her eye to eye,

she smiled slightly, signaling her helping spirit,

and welcomed me into creation’s eternal land of happiness.

And she said her name was … Azmirenda.

And then I told her mine …


Elevator Love

Elevator Love“And when Love speaks, the voices of all the gods make heaven drowsy with its harmony.” — William Shakespeare

I recently drove to Texas from California, and a week later, back again. On my trip back I stopped for a few days at a place I consider ‘very special.’ It is a place especially built to enhance active meditative experience. This time around I did indeed experience something very special, something I can barely put into words here.

I have been to this place many times before over the past almost two decades, and I have had many different types of experiences. But nothing like I recently encountered, and in fact, am still trying to comprehend.

In a past blog entry I wrote about the different types of love, silver love being the loftiest. Well, one of the most compelling experiences I recently had relates to this subject. Yet how do we speak of love without getting a bit romantic, mushy, or starry-eyed about it? Well, not so fast. For the way I truly want to communicate this to you is more in a way of comprehension, not romanticism. Is that clear at all? So, let me attempt to clarify.

Every once in a while one of the things that happens to me in meditation, especially a deep one, is what comes to me are pieces of information that I am not readily able to comprehend. It’s like someone speaking to me in a foreign language backwards. But usually it comes to me like when you download an online zipped file to your computer. You first have to download it properly, then you have to unzip it, and then use the proper application so you can interpret it and get any use out of it. Well, sometimes it seems it happens about like that. Except …


My Love, My Lady

Think about it, there must be higher love
Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above
Without it, life is wasted time
Look inside your heart, I’ll look inside mine
Things look so bad everywhere
In this whole world, what is fair?
We walk blind, we try to see
Falling behind in what could be

Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Where’s that higher love I keep thinking of?

“Higher Love”, Stevie Winwood

Yes, we are back into the obviously complex, utterly mysterious world of … love.  Isn’t it wonderful, to explore a world so many of us seem to know so little of? But yet, I still think we may know a little more than we give ourselves credit for. Maybe the world just conspires against us, so we will spend more time trying to learn and experience it, instead of worrying and fretting about it.

I wrote about love in my last entry, in a bit of a clinical way. Mainly because it was meant to be more of an intro into a world we may explore a bit here now and then. Being that it is so very important in the fabric of our lives.

I feel I am a very fortunate man. I have been married three times, all to wonderful women. My first marriage was to my high school sweetheart, but it did not last too long for our immaturity caught up with us before a strong enough foundation could be built for a lasting relationship. Of course there were other factors, but the important thing is that we have remained good friends over all these years. In fact, I saw her just last month. And we still can have fun and laugh together like we used to. She has been married to a wonderful man for years, and they have a pretty amazing teenage son, who refers to me as an uncle.


Silver Love

“To be content in bliss, without desire or insistence anywhere, this was heaven: to be together in happy stillness.” — D.H. Lawrence

I know I haven’t posted in a bit, but I just recently came down from two weeks of camping, hiking, meditating and just hanging out with nature and friends up on Mt. Shasta, one of my favorite places to go. So, as they say, I was off the grid for a while, recharging my batteries for my existence back in the lowlands of the normal physical world.

I first came up to Mt. Shasta in 1972, forty years ago. I was only twenty years young then. Of course, I’ve aged a bit since then, both in body and in spirit. However, I’d like to think I’ve traded those years for something worthwhile, like gaining a little wisdom, and learning a few lessons from the immature trials of inexperienced youth.

And one of those lessons involves a simple but powerful lesson called love. At the retreat on Mt. Shasta this year that theme kept popping its inquiring head around at me, like saying ‘okay, are you really comprehending how this silver love thing works?’ Uh, well, I thought so.  But hey, maybe not?  Well anyway, while I’m at it, let me explain a little about this silver love thing. And no, it doesn’t mean love between senior citizens, something that has been bantered about some.
