
That Ringing Sound

Ringing Sound“The audible life stream is the cardinal, central fact in the science of the masters … the supreme fact and factor of the entire universe … the very essence and life of all things … less known than any other important fact of nature, yet it is the one determining factor of all nature.” — Dr. Julian Johnson, ‘Path of the Masters’

Got Sound? I certainly hope so. If you are reading this, then you definitely do, but you may not know that you do … unless you have been medically diagnosed with a condition called tinnitus.

For those of you that do not know what that is, Webster’s dictionary defines tinnitus as, “any ringing or buzzing in the ear not resulting from an external stimulus.”

The medical community reports that approximately 20% of the people in the USA suffer from tinnitus, which means over 60 million of us. Wow, that seems like quite a lot, but how serious is it really? Well, those reports say things that bring it on are allergies, head injuries, loud noises, medications, infections, tumors and diseases. Treatments are offered to treat those symptoms, but they are not completely sure what causes it. There are four main treatments currently available; prescription drugs, maskers (devices one wears that produce soft sounds to drown out the inner sounds), behavioral modification training (learning not to listen to the inner sounds) and surgery in the most chronic cases of all.


In The Beginning

“Too bad youth is wasted on the young.” – Mark Twain

I turned 60 today. Is that even significant? Does that even mean anything? Does it need to? I remember when I was growing up thinking that someone that age just had to be old. I don’t feel old, so I’m not. So take that. Now that that’s out the way, we can move on.

But yes, I created this blog now because I am of that particular age when maybe, just maybe, I have a few things to say that might be worthwhile to someone. Of course, I think there was probably always something of value in what I’ve said. At least to myself, and possibly even others close to me. But now, maybe I have something of value to those of you out there who don’t know me at all.

As a beginning place for you, check out the section about me, and then read a few of my entries. If it doesn’t suit your tastes, you haven’t really wasted much time. If it does, then let’s have a little fun. And of course, you can always comment on my postings. But keep it civil, fun and positive. Life is too short for negative diatribes. As now at my age, I’m truly discovering.
