
The Search

“Silence is the language of God. All else is poor translation.” — Jalal ad-Din Rumi

A person who had just died walks up to the pearly gates of heaven and greets St. Peter with anticipation and joy. So, St. Peter welcomes him to heaven.

Then the person replies, “St. Peter, I’m so glad to have made it here to heaven. Now I’d like to meet God.”

St. Peter gazes at him oddly, takes an appraisal of him and finally says, “You mean to say that in all your years on earth you have never met God?”

The person appears puzzled, then answers with, “No. How could I meet God on earth?”

St. Peter asks, “Did you ever look for Him?”

The new person answers, “No, uh, I guess I didn’t.”

St. Peter replies, “Well you certainly won’t meet Him here either. That is, if you don’t look for Him.”

          Do you know what you are looking for?