
In The Beginning

“Too bad youth is wasted on the young.” – Mark Twain

I turned 60 today. Is that even significant? Does that even mean anything? Does it need to? I remember when I was growing up thinking that someone that age just had to be old. I don’t feel old, so I’m not. So take that. Now that that’s out the way, we can move on.

But yes, I created this blog now because I am of that particular age when maybe, just maybe, I have a few things to say that might be worthwhile to someone. Of course, I think there was probably always something of value in what I’ve said. At least to myself, and possibly even others close to me. But now, maybe I have something of value to those of you out there who don’t know me at all.

As a beginning place for you, check out the section about me, and then read a few of my entries. If it doesn’t suit your tastes, you haven’t really wasted much time. If it does, then let’s have a little fun. And of course, you can always comment on my postings. But keep it civil, fun and positive. Life is too short for negative diatribes. As now at my age, I’m truly discovering.
