Vehicles & Tools

Vehicles & Tools“I have come to believe that there are infinite passageways out of the shadows, infinite vehicles to transport us into the light” — Martha Beck

“The expectations of life depend upon diligence. The mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.” — Confucious

Two things. Vehicles. Tools. Two … very … important things. They define, perfect and transport us. You may ask, rightly so, what am I talking about?

Okay, think about it. First, vehicles. How would we get anywhere if we didn’t have some type of vehicle; bicycle, motorcycle, automobile, bus, train, airplane, or even our own two feet? We need vehicles to get anywhere, so we can do the things we need when we get there. Right?

Second, tools. We need tools to do things, to accomplish things, to complete things. Something as simple as silverware to eat with, or as complicated as software code to run computer programs. For many of the things we do, we need tools to go the full distance with our tasks. Right?

Think how boring life would be if we had no vehicles or tools. Wouldn’t we just be sitting at home, twiddling our thumbs? But then again, would we even have a home? How would it get built with no tools? No, we’d still be in a cave, maybe starving, because we had no tools to hunt with.

People are creative, and we need vehicles and tools to create, and thus grow and progress. And so it is with our spiritual life. Yes, in our spiritual life we actually do need vehicles and tools. They are the foundations upon which we can build a steady, progressive spiritual life. That is one of the big lessons I have learned over the years in trying to make my spiritual life work.

I had no idea of the places that are available to travel to, inside the spiritual worlds. And without my spiritual vehicles ‘working’ at some level, those places would not be available to me, as they would for anyone who travels the inside path. Spiritual vehicle maintenance is very important, just like keeping our cars tuned up and mechanically functionally properly in the physical world. If it’s broken, you can’t go anywhere. Not just in the physical, but the spiritual also. And usually you need the proper tools to be able to fix and maintain all that …

Tools that for the most part involve working a specific series of inner techniques, usually on your very own being. I feel that the searching for those very special tools is the real spiritual search that many people are really on, and have been on, for who knows how long.

But before I sign off this time, I want to throw one more secret ingredient to add to the mix. Yes, there are vehicles and tools, but all vehicles and tools need a source of power, so they have a way to work for us. Of course, I have written about this source in many other posts … the inner sound current. Check it out:

The Sound of Silence

That Ringing Sound