The God Complex
“When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.” — Lao Tzu
Why do we need heroes? Why do we need to worship? Why does it seem we always need to have someone to look up to? What is all that?
I think human beings are too easily brainwashed. We seem too insecure in ourselves and we look to others for validation and approval. That opens the door for others to take advantage of us. We seem to need a Daddy and a Mommy, and a God or Gods, to tell us what to do, and/or let us know we are okay, and/or just be someone we need to admire. Because they are greater than us, since we are so unworthy?
I feel we live in a world of many illusions. And this strong need for someone or something outside ourselves to ease our inside insecurities is one of the grandest illusions of all. We need to be free of hero worship, guru traps, and prophet perversions. They are pieces of this monumental illusion that leads us away from our own spiritual freedom.
Look around. It is everywhere. Our celebrity society, with its movie stars, sports stars, political stars, business stars, religious stars, media stars, stars everywhere in all forms. We promote them in all types of mediums, and joist them high on their pedestals. For they know better than us. And we know nothing. Right?
No, for I feel strongly that these people know less than us. They need the spotlight for their own ego glorification, for they are very possibly more insecure than you. They actually need you more than you need them. In fact, you don’t need them at all. That is your illusion. That is your lesson in illusion that the world is trying to teach you.
And what about the God complex, the God dilemma, the God illusion? Ah, did I push any buttons on this? Belief or not in an ultimate superior being is a subject that is almost taboo. Certainly not to be discussed in polite company. This does push a button in my world, because I have never understood why a superior being would need to be worshipped. Does that make any sense?
I do not require worship from an ant, or a bird, or a coyote. So why does a God require it from me? Of course, I did not create that ant, that bird, or that coyote. And if a God did create me, is that why?
When I create something, whether a poem, a short story, an article, a screenplay, a movie, do those things need to worship me? Or maybe the people who enjoy them should worship me. No, and no. I hope those creations do well in the world, and hopefully add a little enjoyment or something worthwhile to the people who may consume them. And that’s it. Nada.
So why does God require my worship? There can be only one real answer. That being does not. We have a man created concept. An illusion created by the religion peddlers. To buy into their religion, it has to be a part of the package. And guess what, we can be weak and insecure, and very ripe for this grand illusion. We are so easy and gullible that the religion salesman barely breaks a sweat or misses a step. We are sheep ready for the slaughter, ready to give up our freedom, because they know best. And we know nothing. We will be saved, of course.
Now we can certainly argue whether there is even an ultimate God or not, but that is not my point here. My point is that whether there is or not, our perception of that being has been conceived, controlled, and promoted by man. So it is faulty from day one, and holds no place in reality. It is an illusion created by man, to take advantage of our insecurities and turn them against us. And those of us who don’t buy into this religion illusion may have bought into these other ‘star’ illusions previously mentioned, also conceived, controlled, and promoted by man.
And as I have stated many times in other blog entries, I think the real answers and real reality are inside each of us. If we really take the time to search inside, look inside, and listen inside. The answers are all there, but you really, really have to want it … very much.