A Way In Up & Out

A Way In Up & OutA noble man compares and estimates himself by an idea which is higher than himself; and a mean man, by one lower than himself. The one produces aspiration; the other ambition, which is the way in which a vulgar man aspires.” — Marcus Aurelius

What about you? Do you have ambitions or aspirations?

When I was about ten years old I remember having an identity crisis. You may ask, how can one so young have anything that seems too serious going on, as if some type of existential crisis? I doubt from where I’m looking at it now, that it was actually too serious. But of course at the time it seemed so. Yet I do believe to this day that it set me on a course that led me to where I am today. And for me, that is important.

We only have moments as they are played out in our life, for the past is only a memory, and the future is only a hope, a dream, or a fear. But I think in those ‘important’ moments is where we set the sails for our life’s destiny. And that moment at ten was one of those ‘important’ moments. I don’t consciously remember how I comprehended that moment, but for the most part I do remember how I felt. And that is where I think the journey I am currently on actually started.

At ten I did not know how to communicate to anyone what was going on with me. Mainly because I wasn’t sure, and secondly because if I did I didn’t have the communication skills to explain it to anyone. I was not in balance with the world or with myself, and I knew something was just not right. I have previously written about my out of body experiences at the age of six and seven, and certainly didn’t know what they were. Plus I did not yet have a true sense of myself. These moments at ten were deeper and more disconcerting than anything yet in my life, and yes I had by then pretty much formed a more firm identity of my self. But of course I had a lot more of ‘me’ space to grow into.

I have already mentioned in previous posts about my ‘spiritual search’ and subsequent choice in what meditation system to practice after perusing the immense supermarket of spiritual choices out there. And I have mentioned some of the things I have learned, but have only vaguely referred to the pure meditation experience in this system I practice. So today I thought I would go through and describe (as humanly possible) what a regular good meditation was like for me. But please excuse my shortcomings in trying to describe, illuminate, communicate, define, chronicle this otherworldly experience. The English language, as well as any other human created language or communication system, hardly ever does it justice. I will try to stretch my wordsmithing skills as best I can.

I am a student of the Eureka Society, which I like to call a spiritual flight school. Audinometry is the program they teach, and the set of keys to access your flying being. It is a step by step, by the numbers lesson plan. It is a path and a practice, not a religion or philosophy. It is a system that teaches you how to travel the path inside, on the other side, inside each of us, the subtle dimensions that make up the spiritual universe beyond the physical universe. There is an energy, the inner sound current (Elan Vital), that connects us all to both these sides of life. It is what we meditate on to allow us to travel into this great spiritual universe, not just have an opinion about what it is like from the proponents of religions and philosophies. It is first hand knowledge of this spiritual world, which others proselytize about but may have no first hand knowledge of themselves. For them it came from a book, or a teacher, or some other third party who told them about it. If you like your spirituality second or third hand and securely safe, then by all means that is for you. Audinometry is for spiritual explorers who like to see, touch, experience, grow into, and be born into these new worlds for themselves. Those who challenge themselves, that is who I write this for.

My teacher likes to compare meditating in this system to flying an airplane. The first couple lessons are like ground school, even though it is quite possible to get some flying time in with these lessons. But as you go farther into the lessons that plane actually becomes a rocket ship, and then a light speed intergalactic starship. But I’m getting ahead of myself here.

Let me take you into one of my meditations, at least one of the good ones. But first, let me orient you on a few common aeronautical terms so I can communicate some spiritual concepts in a simpler way. In normal physical flight there are four forces that affect the ability to fly; weight, lift, thrust and drag. These are self-explanatory, but I will briefly describe them anyway. Weight is the downward force of gravity. Lift is the force opposing gravity, produced by the dynamic effect of air on an airfoil because of differences in air pressure and which is perpendicular to the flight path. Thrust is the force produced by the power source and propelling the aircraft in motion on its flight path. Drag is the rearward force apposing thrust, caused by friction and differences in air pressure on the aircraft itself as it is propelled into forward flight.

Okay, back to the meditation. I sit relaxed in a quiet dim room with earplugs in my ears. The earplugs allow me to tone out all physical sounds around me, and to listen to the tones I meditate on inside. I may have to do some of the simpler relaxing techniques that are taught before this meditation goes anywhere. Which helps in allowing me to get more lift and less drag in meditation. Relaxing as much as possible helps those two forces work the way I’d like, in order that I can ‘get off.’

A Way In Up & Out

As I progress through the meditation I do a series of techniques, allowing me to accumulate energy, as if filling my spiritual gas tank. And to be a container for the fuel I need to make sure I have no energy leaks. I do techniques to shore up my chakras and auras to contain my energy, and make sure my kundalini is operating properly. Doing all of these things helps insure that I will get enough lift by the thrust I can create inside.

In addition, I must get rid of unwanted baggage I don’t need to fly with. By baggage I mean emotional and mental weight that will make it more difficult to take off on the runway. I have written about such emotional and mental garbage and baggage (which we call color) in other posts.

As I continue to progress through the meditation techniques to achieve spiritual flight, by now I will start to feel movement. At first it might be subtle, but now I want to make sure I am headed in the right direction, which would be up, not down or out. And as I continue to go up, velocity may pick up and I will need to make sure my being stays in a proper configuration to keep going this way. There are techniques for that. It may be at this point where it feels like going up in an elevator, especially those old fashion ones that really have the feeling of motion. My plane has turned into a helicopter and I am going up.

Okay, back to what all this actually means. I feel lighter, clearer, relaxed, focused and energetic. But not energetic in a frenetic way, but with a calm clarity. This enables me to experience the next phase of this series. One I feel is paramount to this overall progression. To have more vertical comprehension of these subtle spiritual levels of dimension, and thus learn to become an inhabitant and participator in these higher levels of life. It is what I aspire to be, and aspire to do.

Freedom. Being who you really are. Owning more of yourself. And comprehending the direction and plan of creation. These are all byproducts of a high energy meditation system such as Audinometry. It can take you from a horizontal life such as what we all live in the physical world, and reorient us towards the vertical spiritual world that creation has for us to discover and explore. However, with all this new found freedom there is another side. Responsibility. Responsibility towards, and being aligned to, creation. I am sure you’ve all heard the saying that ‘freedom is not free.’ I am repeating it here in a different context than what it was originally intended. In my meaning, more freedom = more responsibility. I think it is well worth it.

Do not think I am unique because of these experiences. Anyone who wants to put in the time, effort, and energy can do this (and more). If I can do this, anyone reading this can. But you need to be a spiritual explorer, willing to give up about anything to get there. And aspiration, not ambition, helps a lot. Wouldn’t you really rather prefer to be who you really are? And that may just be a beginning point, because you are in all probability someone more amazing than you can even yet imagine. Imagine that …