

Trekking, even at times floating, upstream along the banks of this vibrant stream,

I reflect upon how simply generous today has always been.

Up ahead this so vibrant stream fed from a simple, still, and silver pool,

and nourished in the far sky by the setting of a burning, white hot sun.

In the distance a waterfall gushed from behind a long, dark shadow,

and I wonder, yes oh wonder, what secrets it must hide today.

Yet I know in this pristine moment it’s time to align my lower self and my higher self,

and my heart, my mind, my spirit, my soul, my very being,

within the ears and eyes of a principle, singing consciousness of high creation.

For now tomorrow shall be even more wondrous inside this eternity’s dream.

And then a dragon stuck her head from behind that long, dark shadow,

and into the silver light before me, as I fearlessly faced her eye to eye,

she smiled slightly, signaling her helping spirit,

and welcomed me into creation’s eternal land of happiness.

And she said her name was … Azmirenda.

And then I told her mine …