Answers for Questions?
“Life is available only in the present moment.” — Thich Nhat Hanh
Do you ever ask the big questions of or about life? You know the ones, ‘what is the meaning of life?’ … ‘why are we here?’ … ‘who am I?’ … ‘does any of this even matter?’ … and on and on. Do you think those questions matter? Do you think the universe, creation, God, Deity, or whoever or whatever is out there cares … at all? Should that or they even care? Why or why not? Are we done asking these asinine questions yet? Yes … for now, for aren’t there always questions, won’t there always be, as long as we humans are around? Yes, of course. Well, at least that one was easy to answer.
Oh, but wait, one more question. Are there even any answers to any of these questions? Okay, done for now with the questions part. Now, maybe we can move on to the answers part. Yes, answers, the hard part of the equation. Questions, the easy, lazy part. We all have questions, of one kind or another. We can all ask them, whether simple, profound, or just there, so easy to ask. But humans seem to be in the business of the search, always searching for answers, whether it be in mathematics, science, business, psychology, spirituality, and so forth. In every human endeavor throughout history, questions were the foundation for the march forward, no matter the answers. For we usually found some kind of answer to temporarily satisfy us. Or did we (oops another question, can’t seem to get around that)?
I think ultimately an answer to any particular question only exists in one moment in time. In that moment that that answer actually answers that question for that person. Beyond that all bets are off. I feel that that reality constantly changes, or actually the illusion of each of our realities. For we each live in a different illusion of this grand illusion, and in some odd way each question we seek an answer for is our way at trying to claw ourselves out of this illusion so we can truly see and experience the great reality we each hunger for so fervently. Do you feel it?
I am a seeker, a searcher, an explorer, and an adventurer. I believe we all are, each in our own way. Some of us at times may give up the fight, the search, the drive, along the way, but that may be because sometimes the struggle doesn’t seem to be worth it since it doesn’t seem to get us anywhere. But I think in life we are always going somewhere, whether we can tell or not. Our planet spins around our sun, our solar system spins around in our galaxy and our galaxy spins around others in our universe, and on and on. All the while most of us, except those astronomers who pay attention, not really being able to tell that is going on, even if we are told it is. We are always moving along somewhere, and there are always questions to answer to get us along that somewhere. We may be getting along that somewhere without ever asking anything, but we are still getting along somewhere whether we like it or not. And wouldn’t it be cool to be able to direct what direction your life actually goes in. Don’t you think? (yes we are back into questions again, because they are actually unavoidable in our life.)
I think the questions we ask the universe, ourselves, and others is actually how we progress through this pseudo-reality. I have tested this several times over the years. In some way, shape, or form, when you throw questions that need answering out into the universe (or wherever you throw them), there is some type of system that filters it back to you. Maybe not exactly how you want it, or when you want it, or where you want it. Because that would be too easy, for the answer will always be more difficult than the question. Questions are easy, right?
Personally, as mentioned several times before, I use meditation as a filtering/communication/ experience/interface medium between me and my universe. I feel it is a direct link to my current reality and where I am going. Over the years I have learned to navigate comfortably within that space, kind of like wearing a path up a mountain over and over through the years. I often tread out into different paths and different tangents depending on what I am trying to do. We’re all explorers, right?
I think in the end we get custom made answers to the questions we throw out, since we are each unique in who we are, what our lesson plan is for our life, and where we are going in our life. We may think we can answer other people’s big questions, but not really. Maybe we can offer solace that yes, there are answers out there. But your answers are not mine, and mine are not yours. I can cheer you on on your path, but I can and never will walk in your shoes, and vice versa. I think it has been set up that way. We each have a unique relationship with our own reality. We can share them with each other, but we can never live them for each other. I actually feel that is one of the great beauties of creation.
Be courageous enough to enjoy and love your path, your journey, your reality, yourself!
“Life is a journey, not a destination.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson