Temporal Mind vs. Spirit Mind

Spirit Mind

“True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.” — William Penn

In the sound current meditation system that I practice we differentiate between the temporal mind and the spirit mind. The temporal mind being the one we are most familiar with in our day to day lives, thinking about, considering, and analyzing all types of things from moment to moment. At times it can seem like it doesn’t want to turn off, partially because it must take in so much stimulus from our exceedingly complex modern lives. And turning it off can be an ongoing chore. At least for those who want to.

Yes, I am still surprised when people ask me why I would ever want to turn it off and put it in neutral. It is not so obvious to all, I guess. Some of us seem run by our minds more than anything else in our lives. Of course, that does make sense, because it does appear to be at the center core of everything we are and do in the world, right? Partially, yes. But not completely.

For me, it took my many years of meditating to understand that it was not the center core of everything in me. I can see that it is easy to allow the mind to be your master. However, I have learned that it is much better for it to be a tool. A hugely important one, for sure, but a tool, nonetheless.

That takes us to the spirit mind. I was not aware that such a thing even existed until I had put some decent meditation time in over the years. So then, what exactly is the spirit mind? I will try my best here to explain, using my temporal mind in the process as I write down the words. A bit of a paradox for sure. For actually, the temporal mind doesn’t necessarily want to give up any of that sovereignty. Yes, pressing on …

The spirit mind has more breadth and depth that the temporal mind. It seems to know and understand more about our greater spiritual being than the temporal mind. The temporal mind deals with the five senses in the here and now world. The spirit mind seems to be invested in a longer time frame and a farther away horizon. It seems to help guide the long term progression of our spiritual growth and opportunities, way beyond this current lifetime.

The temporal mind and the spirit mind both have their place and their function. However, sometimes they seem to be competing for our attention and our purpose. Again, I did not consciously know any of that until I had some meditation experience to comprehend that. And I don’t know if meditation is the only way to be introduced to, and aware of, the spirit mind. I seriously doubt it. I bet that our so-called intuition has something to do with our spirit mind.

Have you ever had the experience of being outside of yourself and watching yourself do something, as if disconnected from it? This can happen under times of great stress or great trauma in your life. I think you are outside your temporal mind when that happens, because it is too much for the temporal mind to process in that singular moment.

From what I have been able to gather and what I have been taught, it seems the temporal mind is just that … temporary. Meaning it is only here when our physical body is. So when we pass on, so does it, and then we are back residing in our spirit mind, which is more long term for our greater being.

I would also like to offer an example of their difference in relation to the meditation techniques I practice. Physical stimulants. Yes, of course they will affect the temporal mind to varying degrees (obviously). Now I could talk about all kinds of drugs out there nowadays, but I will use caffeine as a simpler example.

I am not a big caffeine user, but I have certainly indulged in it, and for some periods I have done it a fair amount. However, it always came at a cost. And my temporal mind loves it. In fact, it keeps trying to talk me into it on a regular basis, but I usually resist. And there is one main reason … because it blocks access to my spirit mind. Say what?

Yes, isn’t that something. Once I take it, my temporal mind goes into overdrive and it has all kinds of things for me to do and think about. But isn’t that what stimulants are for? Yes, but … relaxation goes out the window. The one major ingredient that allows the meditation process to really work. Relax … relax! … relax?

I have learned that it takes me three days to be clear of caffeine so I can have a good meditation again. Yes I can have average meditations in those three days, but not good or great ones. Now for some that may not seem like a great price to pay, however …

Accessing the spirit mind and flying with it is, well, priceless. I don’t know how much happiness you have had in your life, but experiencing this is the epitome of pure joy, all wrapped up into a blissful happiness. The temporal mind on its very best stimulated day does not have access to any of that, at all. In fact, there are not sufficient words to express the difference, or describe that experience at all. Mainly I guess, because you could say, I am ‘out of my mind’ (my temporal mind anyway) and flying with my spirit mind. A much wider, deeper, and fuller experience into being happy. And why would I allow anything to block that?