A Spiritual Tribute, Part 2

55e7d76381357.image2“It is the energy of consciousness that one has come here to collect. This energy that drives all the parts of our being. Study it, pursue it, learn how to store it and conscious life will be eternal, and you will come to remember who you are and why you are here…” — Bruce K. Avenell

Well, I thought one posting about my meditation teacher who passed into the spiritual world more than three months ago would wrap that all up. But apparently there may be more to be said here. Funny thing though, if he knew I was doing this he’d probably scoff at me and tell me to knock it off. A few years ago I mentioned to him that he would make for an intriguing documentary film subject. He laughed, rolled his eyes, and only said, “Please, do not do that.” I of course will honor that request. However, he said nothing about his writings and teachings. And since I do not intend to write about him specifically anyway, as I said in the last post, I will only quote more excerpts from some of his other writings. Enjoy!


“Your beliefs hold you a prisoner in this realm’s dreams of TIME, ILLUSION and PARADOX…

Beyond this world’s dreams of life, the universe promises a greater destiny…

As real as this world seems, with solid objects able to exist for hundreds, thousands and even millions of years, it is only an illusion of life. The lower you live in your being, the more illusions life presents to consciousness. The higher you live in your being, the more clues life offers to consciousness as to how to find, The Road to Life, that great avenue of the soul leading to the next greater reality…

We live our physical world life in an illusion. We daydream in a greater dream and come to believe we live in reality. We become immersed in the emotional colors of life. We are not told to be free of the dream. We only have to learn how to be free of the emotional colors. There are many ways to look at physical life, but in the end it is only a game. It can be a very serious game or a hilarious game. That is up to you. Life on earth is also life in school. To graduate from life’s school you must find the part of your being that is the spirit child and bring that part of yourself to full consciousness. It is possible, even while in possession of a physical human body, to be awake beyond the life dreams of the planet, the star, and the galaxy we live in. Beyond this labyrinth of dreams you can find the access to life on a Silver Star and a much greater reality than you now enjoy…”


“If a person should want to tell you what he or she knows about God, ask them what they know about the Sound Current. What one knows about the Sound Current is by far the greater share of what one knows about God. Consider a being whose consciousness is so developed as to be able to hold all the notes of music of a very complicated symphony together in one moment…

…This barrage of true tones, true notes of music, all infinitely fine and totally powerful, create the Wave Harmonics that define the universes, ignite the life forces within them and set each universe’s direction in creation in motion. This is all done within only a small part of the consciousness of the being I call The Great Master Creator.

As YOU read these words, YOU must come to understand YOU are the divine child of this being. If YOU will allow him, he will treat YOU as his favored child and gladly show YOU the extent, the marvels, the many horizons of his creation. But in doing this, what he is really doing is showing YOU the marvels and extent of the being you are going to be, growing to be. In time will be. YOU are a divine child, but so long as YOU live within this universe, YOU are the embryo of what YOU will eventually grow to become. If YOU do YOUR homework in the Great Universal School of Life, the way home to life as a Divine being in fact is open for YOU.”


“If your definition of death is the termination of consciousness and awareness, the end of being, nothingness from which there is no escape, then I must assure you, from my own extensive firsthand experience, that life is eternal. Life does continue after the death of the physical body.

Even so, life is only a game. It comes to us in the form of two games: the physical (which you are playing now) and the non-physical (which ordinarily begins at your so-called “death”). The games each have interrelated advantages and disadvantages. These two games are basically opposite in their nature and are designed this way to stimulate our growth processes.

You are a divine embryo. This universe is a womb, and in it you will grow to divine maturity. You have forever in which to do this. Yet, I have lied to you, for it is only when you hurry that the flowers of life can blossom. Only when you push upon life does it have enough reality to impress upon your greater being the lessons you must learn. For to become divine, in fact, you must master the fire of life and commit yourself totally to freedom…

The two games of life, physical and non-physical, subject us to the lessons we need to learn in order to grow. The rules we are given are purposefully designed so as not to pertain to the phase of the game we are currently playing. Sometimes the rules we are given do apply to a phase of the game we have already mastered. This produces great satisfaction and proof of our righteousness and faith, but no spiritual growth.”


“The more conscious energy you can take with you in leaving the body, the better the situation you will find yourself in on the other side of life. Practicing a positive meditation system can be very beneficial when one arrives on the other side of life, but many meditation systems do not equip one with essential ingredients. Meditating on concepts certainly has benefits, but gaining spiritual altitude in meditation is better than having money in the bank.

Practicing devotion to another being gives them access to your stored conscious energy. As your energy runs down, they may become more demanding for their fair share of the charge you worked to accumulate…

Life is eternal; there is no other kind. Self-aware consciousness is not eternal, and that is because it is growing and has not reached that stage of development yet.

Life is eternal; no one can sell it to you. No one can take it from you. But you must learn how to protect your conscious energy. If you don’t, many will come for their fair share of your treasure.

Life is eternal, as you learn how to consciously accumulate Sound Current Energy remembering past lives will be easier and easier to do…”


“If you are alive in a human body and are reading this document, then you are living on a planet in the lower realms of life. A great amount of time, in which your life force has developed to the present extent, lies behind you. The progressions, which will teach you how to live in the upper regions of life, lie before you. At this stage in your journey through time, you must choose when you will begin to explore the avenues to your divine birthright in the next possible eternity.

There is a wide range of beings who are capable of inhabiting a human-type body. Some are promoted to human form coming up in their progression from animal existence. Some return to human form after spending time in the shadow worlds due to having made grave mistakes in a prior human life. Some come from higher levels of life, intending to teach emerging souls how to continue their progressions toward the destiny creation has designed for them.  Creation has decreed, long before this world came to be, that one day you would become a divine master creator in your own right. It may be good for me to tell you this, but you must come to know it for yourself. You must come to realize firsthand who YOU are.

You must come to know your true self. Still, the laws of reincarnation and the momentums of our finite existence seem to make it impossible to find the time to look within our own being. We are the slaves of time until we dare to be free in our own being.

It is possible to be free of the learned thought processes of your mind. It is possible to be free of the emotional stories your chakras constantly present in your mind. It is possible to be free of the dreams the planet wants you to dream. It is possible to be free of the cycles of life the star would hold you to. It is possible to be free of the physical and conscious momentums of the galaxy. It is possible to graduate from the Great Universal School of Life, and be awake and free in the reality of life beyond the dream this universe conceived you in.”


“Chakra colors can have a major effect on attainable spiritual experience and the realization of altitude.

Consciousness is that sense of self that knows it is a living being focused in a physical body. Awareness is outward perception and is experienced most commonly as vision and the four other senses. Awareness seemingly does not need a container, but operates from whatever container consciousness is using. Awareness can expand infinitely, but as it expands its ability to return usable information to consciousness diminishes. Consciousness and awareness do not necessarily process information at the same velocity. The ability of awareness to function and the velocity it functions at do not seem to be affected by astral colors. Awareness can read astral colors, but cannot do anything about them. The velocity at which awareness presents information to consciousness is tied to the velocity of the spiritual level or realm it is viewing and reporting information from.

Conscious velocity, the rate at which consciousness processes information, is affected by astral colors. Astral colors cause the information processing the mind is designed to do, to happen. Clean spectrum pure colors carry good story lines to the mind and mental processing works very well. When the colors get mixed up from conflicting emotions or emotionally traumatic situations, the color information can be confusing to the mind and mental velocity suffers.

Consciousness does not just happen to be. It is a major part of being and lives off of or is empowered by an electrical type of energy. The most vital spiritual progression during physical life is for consciousness to learn how to hold this electrical spiritual energy. The degree of awakeness a being can command depends directly on how much of this electrical spiritual energy consciousness has direct access to. This electrical spiritual energy I refer to has been called by many names by the societies that have known of it. It has been called Om, Aum, the Sound Current, the Audible Life Stream, Word, The Word, and Logos, to name a few. Whichever name it goes by it is the Elan Vital that Henry Bergson described as the underlying motivating essence that causes everything to be. To make reading this a little easier I will refer to it as the Aum energy.”

 The Next Eternity

You can know what the stars know.
You can speak to them all.
If you enter the night slightly,
And softly do protocol.

You can know what the stars know.
You can see what they see.
If you enter the night lightly,
And tell them you’re free.

You can know what the stars know.
You can dream with their dreams,
If you enter the night rightly,
It can be, as it seems.

You can know what the stars know,
As they stand across time,
If you find the right focus,
And are free of your mind.

You can know what the stars know.
They will show you the way.
If you dream in their dreams,
You can hear what they say.

You can know what the stars know.
It is so destined to be.
If you find the night’s song,
And sing it to me.

You can know what the galaxies know,
As those risen on high.
If you’re free of your mind,
And have learned how to fly.

You can know what the galaxies know,
As they live in their time.
Just hold the night’s song,
And thrice make it rhyme.

Just hold the night’s song,
And thrice … make it rhyme.


Website references:

The Eureka Society

Vertical Codex