A Spiritual Tribute

A Spiritual Tribute“You, a traveler on the road to life, but no longer afraid of death, no longer afraid of life. Knowing who you are and what you are about, perhaps even understanding what you did that suckered you into incarnating here on this most insignificant planet in a very plain galaxy, far from home and the mainstream of life…” — Bruce K. Avenell

An amazing spiritual being who I was lucky enough to know for almost 45 years passed from the physical and into the spiritual just a little more than six weeks ago. He left behind his failing physical vehicle so he could once again fly among the stars, where he seemed to truly belong. This posting will not be specifically about him, for I could not do him much justice in all that. I will leave that business to others. No, it will be about what he has left behind. And by left behind, his many wise writings and teachings for us to read, ponder, and consider. I will only quote excerpts from some of them, and leave it up to you in searching out anything more that may interest you about him and his teachings.


“Understand, this place is not our home. The being you are did not grow to the human level in the very short time that the planet Earth has been hospitable to this physical human life form. We are all wanderers in the great school of life. Some wander aimlessly, not realizing at all they are in a school. Some are assigned here to learn this. All in school, all learning. All learning to be yourself.

Understand, all experience is designed to teach you how to be what you are. All experience is designed to teach you how to be what you are meant to be. All experience belongs to the spirit being who you really are. It will decide what experience and learning it will retain, and what experiences and memories it will return to the field in which that vehicle of experiences grew.

Life is the only building block in creation. Life’s mission is to be more than it has been, to gather experience and become more that it has been, and to generate more life velocity and intensity.

Life gives us adventures, obstacles and distractions, and all the time the real lesson is that we must learn how to manage the energy of life. Freedom will not come to you. You must free yourself.”


“Beware of those who would sell you immortality. Life is already immortal. There is no other kind. Yes, I know that you do not think you remember a life beyond this physical life, but it is only because you do not know how to remember.

Consciousness does NOT die. At the time of physical death, consciousness just changes its residence to a different type of life container. At death, consciousness moves into another vessel which it has earned the right to, and thus, gains access to another realm of life.

You may feel that you have come here for some reason you do not know, or at least do not remember, and thus, you wonder what this is all about. It is possible to remember. In fact, it is easy to do. It is so easy that when you finally do remember, you will wonder how you ever managed to forget.

You come from “somewhere” before you were born and you go “somewhere” when you die. Religions attempt to define this experience for you, but the truth is it can be known by one personally. It is possible to keep contact with that “somewhere” while you are in a physical body. As a consequence, a vast world of growth opens up to the seeker or pilgrim soul.”


“When I first came to Mt. Shasta I met a Lady on the mountain at a place called Panther Meadows. First in a lucid dream, then later, I could see her in waking consciousness. But as in a double exposed picture, I could also see through her. At first, she played games with me, offering me gold and jewels. I told her I only came to meditate, and was not interested in her physical wealth. When I convinced her of this, she offered me her spiritual wealth…

I was not spiritually poor when I came to Mt. Shasta and met her. But the spiritual wealth she has given me, and helped me remember how to use, reaches far beyond all my physical person had ever dreamed there was to have. Even now, more than thirty years later, every time I come to the mountain she has some special, pertinent gift for me…

For ages man has wanted to fly with the birds.  You are a bird free to fly on the winds of time. But first you must learn how to let go of the tree. There are special places on Mt. Shasta where it is very easy to let go of the tree in meditation, and in full consciousness, remember your place in the universe. Many also remember why they came here to physical life on earth…

The sound current provides all things in life needed to grow towards your own divine maturity. However, until you realize the sound current is the most important thing in your life, anything that becomes more important to you than the sound current will in time be taken away from you. The sound current is the rock all things are made of and the rock all things stand on…

The sound has many uses. It can tell you a great deal about your spiritual altitude. If you listen enough to actually hear the tone, you will notice that while the sound is always there, the tone actually changes from time to time. The higher and finer the tone, the more spiritual altitude you have. As the tone goes coarser and to lower tones, you have less spiritual altitude. It is very good to be able to monitor your spiritual altitude if you want to get high on Mt. Shasta…”


“Consciousness invades our being as we arrive on life’s stage. Often we are not invited, nor have we knowingly volunteered. Still we cling to our moments on life’s stage, though we know not what life is. We cling to our moments in the light of a star that lives and dies as we do. We cling to our moments of consciousness, though we know not what consciousness is, how it came to be, or how to contain it. For all who have come into life in this world and have gone from life here, it would seem their journey was from nowhere to nowhere. The grave closes, the book ends, the journey is over, and whoever that was is no longer among us. That is what the five senses tell us.

Time and the universe set the stage our life is lived upon. At the time of our emergence upon that stage, time seems as intent upon obliterating any evidence of our being on stage as it was intent upon preparing a place to receive us.

Some, during their moments upon life’s stage, wonder what they are doing or are supposed to be doing. Few wonder what time, creation, and the universe are doing. How could one understand what the universe is doing when they don’t even know what they are supposed to be doing? But, … how could one possibly know what they are supposed to be doing when they don’t understand what the universe is doing?…

There are actually three paths of ascension going up from life on a planet such as Earth. Each of these has supplemental variations of the basic path. The experience of life will teach us the laws of the path we are working on, if we but take the time to listen to what life is trying to teach us. Few listen, and thus many repeat life situations over and over, again and again. The first time a lesson is presented it comes as easily as a gentle breeze. But if it is not heeded, succeeding presentations will be harder and harder until the being understands both the lesson and that Creation is the ultimate judge of right and wrong action. Creation’s momentums moving through eternity will go on, seemingly with or without us, as we choose. Although it is Creation’s intent that you learn life’s lessons, you may choose how long it takes and how strongly they must be presented in order to register. It is interesting how we fight life’s lessons, even though the life Creation is intent upon giving us is far more wonderful and marvelous than our wildest dreams.”


“Vortexes often appear to be natural, because once induced they seem to run for a very long period of time. Their main energy structure is on the spirit level of life. The laws of ceremonial magic are very important on the spirit level. The intensity of these laws and the energy frequency where they operate make the spirit level seem much more real than the physical level here on Earth. While existing on the spirit level of life, this intensity causes the spirit level to be every bit as hard as this physical world. Many fine mystic orders have tried to master the spirit laws in order to influence physical laws.

The energy in a vortex, generated by a medicine wheel, has in it representations of the energies of creation. Depending upon one’s orientation to these energies, one can do many things. The vortex can be a stairway to spirit level life, but it is not prudent to play with these energies. Each and every human has their own private vortex in the upper back of their head, the hair swirl.

A vortex is a spiritual, cosmic energy system set in motion by a medicine wheel. Once in motion the vortex is not necessarily dependent upon the physical medicine wheel. The energy can be polluted and interrupted by human emotional energy debris. Thus, it is good to meditate near a vortex, but not in it. This allows the vortex to clean your emotional energy without getting itself involved in it. Vortexes operate by laws as a part of divine geometry and normally do not have a conscious energy being managing them.

Lights manifest through different laws of divine geometry. They generally do have a conscious energy being managing them. Their apparent access is only into the near astral and causal realms of the heaven worlds. But some lights offer a much higher access when one knows how to manage the energies.   Lights are much more complex structures than vortexes.

Local Lights exist in many areas. Frequently at the mouths of rivers, or at the junction of two rivers that flow together and form another river. Also, at many high points of ground, including mountains. Many points of land jutting out into a body of water also have lights. Valleys in a mountainous region may have lights and many of these are where towns locate. So often town centers or town parks are where the light has been for ages.”


Asleep in a dream,
I dreamt I could not awake,
Until I understood,
How it was done.
Awake from the dream,
And fearful of forgetting again
I carefully reviewed,
the awakening process.
And then to my great surprise,
I awoke yet again.
Into a much more splendid day.


Website references:

The Eureka Society

Vertical Codex