That Ringing Sound

Ringing Sound“The audible life stream is the cardinal, central fact in the science of the masters … the supreme fact and factor of the entire universe … the very essence and life of all things … less known than any other important fact of nature, yet it is the one determining factor of all nature.” — Dr. Julian Johnson, ‘Path of the Masters’

Got Sound? I certainly hope so. If you are reading this, then you definitely do, but you may not know that you do … unless you have been medically diagnosed with a condition called tinnitus.

For those of you that do not know what that is, Webster’s dictionary defines tinnitus as, “any ringing or buzzing in the ear not resulting from an external stimulus.”

The medical community reports that approximately 20% of the people in the USA suffer from tinnitus, which means over 60 million of us. Wow, that seems like quite a lot, but how serious is it really? Well, those reports say things that bring it on are allergies, head injuries, loud noises, medications, infections, tumors and diseases. Treatments are offered to treat those symptoms, but they are not completely sure what causes it. There are four main treatments currently available; prescription drugs, maskers (devices one wears that produce soft sounds to drown out the inner sounds), behavioral modification training (learning not to listen to the inner sounds) and surgery in the most chronic cases of all.

Yes, the whole medical treatment view of dealing with this issue does seem quite curious indeed. Even though it is actually recognized as a medical condition, it is one that doesn’t seem to do much harm, other than being a nuisance for the effected people. In fact, most patients report that their doctors usually tell them to just learn to deal with it. Because mainly there is no long-lasting cure, only the above-mentioned ways to temporarily relieve the perceived annoyance. But even with treatments most polls reveal that 60-90% of the time these treatments don’t work at all. So learning to live with it is the solution most people usually accept.

Now, if you have been reading this blog you probably know my take (as well as lots of others) on this. It is generally summed up by the quote above by Dr. Julian Johnson. But if you haven’t been following this blog, then I refer you to this previous blog entry for more background info — The Sound of Silence.

There are also many reports of people using meditation as a tool to deal with tinnitus. I would of course add to that, as I have previously discussed, that there is specific type of meditation that considers this so-called ‘condition’ an advantage in discovering and exploring your spiritual life. You could call it ‘your wake up call.’ It’s a very ancient spiritual practice that is about accessing this inner celestial sound current. And it is widely considered to be at the top of the meditation progression. Yet, it is one of the least known and easily the least understood of any meditation system.

Consider this for a few moments. Virtually every major civilization in the world has had some type of creation myth that involved sound, usually sound that was equated with consciousness and that this celestial sound was the first creation, so that everything else created came from such ‘otherworldly’ sound in the pre-existence ether. A number of spiritual, mystical and religious texts have spoken of this metaphysical equation of sound as an element of their most honored traditions. And yes, supposedly these ancient spiritual traditions have known about and practiced this secretive system throughout the span of history. Usually without the notice or knowledge of the general population at large. In addition, it seems that 21st century science is on the verge of discovering these same secrets the mystics have been talking about and practicing for centuries.

I personally feel that the whole stale paradigm which says there should be unsolvable secrets and mysteries in creation has become an untenable position. And that such things should be demystified. That this so-called mystery and secret, should be neither. Yes, this should be a journey with a story to tell, with a destination that needs to be discovered. And with that lead-in, I shall tell you about a little documentary film that is coming out next fall. A film that will unravel and uncover the mystery and the secret of this inner sound, in such a way that the general public should have a much better understanding of something they should have known about for a very long time. That film is called “The Inner Sonic Key.” It will be a documentary like no other.

For now, check out this website for more info: There will be more updates in the future.

“Divine sound is the source of all manifestation … the knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe.” — Hazrat Inayat Khan

“That ringing sound is your wake-up call.”