The Dark-Haired Girl

“A magic dwells in each beginning, protecting us, telling us how to live.” – Hermann Hesse

So, back to those OOBE’s I had as a child (see previous post). I had almost forgotten about an important element that occurred in my last couple experiences. While floating around my room, a transparent little girl about my age appeared. And she was floating just like me. The first time she just faded in and out. The second time she tried to talk to me, but I’m not sure I completely got what she said. It seemed she was trying to tell me not to go. What that meant, I had no idea. I didn’t know I was going anywhere, was I? Funny thing, that was my last experience (in that series). Yes, I had some more in my teen years. But what was really important here was, that I would meet this little girl as a grownup many years later. Yes, quite amazing. And what topped it off was, I would know her for many years before I realized this fact. And that adventure, and that mystery, would continue … and still does …