Floating Away
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
When I was about six years old, I think, a series of odd experiences overtook my small life. And at that time, made life much larger than I thought it ever could be. I flew, no popped, right out of my body. Not once, but numerous times. Say what?
Now at this time, I had no idea what an OOBE (out-of-body-experience) was. Hey, I was six, I barely knew what the hell an IBE (in-body-experience) was. So now I’m supposed to deal with flying around my room above my body, all over the damn place? At this point, I just wanted my mommy! Waa!!
And yes, there she was down with my body trying to comfort me. As I looked down at her from one the corners in the ceiling of my bedroom. I was sick and had a high fever, and she was trying to help me. But hey, mommy, I’m up here!
And why did I see everything from an exaggerated fish-eye type lens perspective? Wow, this was tripping and I didn’t even know what tripping was. All I knew is I didn’t like it. Then all of a sudden I was back in my body. Oh wow, no wonder I got out. I feel like crap. I was sick all right.
This went on for a few months, on and off, as it seemed I was having these periodic sick spells and then I’d leave my body. I never really got used to it, but it scared me less and less over time. Because the first time it happened I thought maybe I was dead. After I came back I didn’t know what to think. But at least I figured I wasn’t dead. Or if I was, I just didn’t know it.
Also, the experiences varied. A couple times I saw what I figured were ghosts. At least, some type of disembodied spirits flying around. I tried not to pay attention to them, and they pretty much left me alone. I had no intention of being on someone’s alternative dimensional social calendar, so that suited me just fine.
And then, I periodically noticed this loud ringing sound that seemed to permeate everything. I had no idea what that could be at all. But later on, I learned what that was about … for the most part.